Everything you’ll need for your assignment

6th March, 2024

With Autumn session under way, you’ll no doubt be starting to see your assignment due dates creep closer. We have pulled together resources and support available from across UTS that will help you prepare and complete your assignments with confidence.

As you start to think about your assignments

Talk to the friendly student guides at the Study Help desk (Student Learning Hub, level 4) for advice on where to get help with your assignments or study during week 4.

  • Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm.
Student Guide holding notebook, cookies and tote.

Plus pick up some FREE goodies from the Student Learning Hub (UTS Central, level 4) to assist your study. Study supplies will be available from 10am, Monday 11 March until stocks last, including:

  • lollipops
  • assessment planners
  • referencing guides
  • Autumn session wall calendars.

Quick guides and study tips to help you save time 

Save time on searching and let us do the hard work for you when it comes to referencing, academic writing and the best methods for finding and evaluating information for your assignments. 

Get the most relevant information with these quick guides and playlists. 

Focus on building skills for assignment success 

  • Attend a workshop or training session to brush up on the skills that will make starting your assignments an easier task to tackle.
  • Join a Study Group in Autumn session for all the best study tips from your helpful Student Guides (running weeks 1 to 6).

One-on-one assignment support 

Get all your assignment questions answered with tailored advice from the experts on campus. 

  • Book a one-to-one consultation with a librarian or HELPS for instant advice while you study or complete your assignments (running from week 3 to end of mid-session StuVac).
  • Chat to the Library online for advice finding academic resources and referencing, 8am to 10pm weekdays, 10am to 6pm weekends throughout Autumn session. 

Find the perfect space to suit your study needs. 

Whether you’re looking for a quiet spot or need a room for group work, find the perfect space while you’re on campus. 

  • Book a study space for group or individual study across campus and work on your assignments without distractions. 
  • Find a seat for quiet or silent study in UTS Library (levels 7 – 9) or the Reading Room (level 5) of UTS Central (CB02). 
  • Pull up a chair in UTS Central (levels 4 – 9) across a variety of unique spaces designed for your study needs in mind. 
  • Find all the study amenities you'll need in Building 5A and 5D if you're studying in Haymarket. Including student kitchen, comfy chairs, new monitors and heaps of powered spots to study at.

Further advice and resources 

Last updated 19th July, 2024 11:17 am