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Learn about the Library's services, spaces, and resources - find the best places to study, know how to borrow books and access online resources, and find out where to get help with your assignments and referencing.
To get you started on the right track at UTS this professionally run workshop on Mircosoft Word is where you will learn essential skills and features to help you to become proficient in creating and managing documents for all your uni needs.
Learn about the Library's services, spaces, and resources - find the best places to study, know how to borrow books and access online resources, and find out where to get help with your assignments and referencing.
Get ready for your first assignment with help from UTS Library.
Find out about local cuisine as we take you around campus and some of Último’s top food spots - whether you're craving chewy, umami noodles, a warm, fluffy pita or a kebab you won't be disappointed!
This is an introduction workshop to learn all about Mircosoft OneNote, a digital note-taking program.
Learn tips and tricks from current students on what digital tools and systems will help you most when starting uni.
Learn about the Library's services, spaces, and resources - find the best places to study, know how to borrow books and access online resources, and find out where to get help with your assignments and referencing.
Learn about the Library's services, spaces, and resources - find the best places to study, know how to borrow books and access online resources, and find out where to get help with your assignments and referencing.
Learn about the Library's services, spaces, and resources - find the best places to study, know how to borrow books and access online resources, and find out where to get help with your assignments and referencing.