Got an idea for a project that will improve UTS?
Apply for a Students as Partners Project Grant and make a lasting impact on improving the UTS learning experience while you gain valuable skills, make connections with staff and get paid for your time.
About the program
Students and Partners Project grants of $5,000 (for individuals) and $10,000 (for groups of 2-3) are available for students who actively improve the university experience for themselves and their peers by proposing, leading and implementing a project alongside a UTS staff partner. The program is part of the UTS Student Partnership Agreement and is a Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) initiative.
Get involved
Students applying for a Students as Partners Grant need to:
- Download and complete the application form. (see an example application form)
- Email your application form to sapprojects [at] (sapprojects[at]uts[dot]edu[dot]au) by 9am Monday, 28 April 2025.
Project proposals will be assessed on their:
- potential impact on improving the student experience
- feasibility of project to meet outcomes within grant timeline and resources
- sustainability of project outcomes beyond the grant period
- partnership process and outcomes within the project.
If you are a UTS staff member interested in partnering in a project for 2025, please fill in our EOI form to join our staff list for students to engage with.
The gist of the program
- You will have 6 months to finish your project.
- You can choose to do the project individually or as part of a small (2-3 students) student team.
- Each project team must partner with a UTS staff member to collaborate with on the project.
- To compensate you for your hard work and help bring your vision to life, individual projects will receive a $5,000 grant and group projects (2-3 students) will receive a $10,000 grant.
- You will be employed by UTS for the duration of the project through the grant funding at a HEW 1/level 1.
- Grant funding may also cover additional items for the project such as workshop supplies.
What we're looking for
We’re looking for projects that aim to create positive change in the following areas at UTS:
- Assessment practice: How your knowledge and understanding of class content is tested e.g. sit-down exams, practical exams, take home essays.
- Teaching practice: How lecturers and tutors teach you e.g. lectures, seminars, flipped learning.
- Policy and process review. How rules and systems at UTS are applied to students e.g. enrolment, special consideration, timetabling.
- Academic support: Academic help offered to students outside of the classroom e.g. writing skills workshops, referencing guides, digital skills, peer learning groups.
- Inclusivity in learner engagement: How diverse learner needs are supported in the classroom e.g. neurodiverse students, students from non-English speaking backgrounds.
To be considered for a grant you must:
- be a current UTS student and completed at least 6 months of study at UTS prior to your application
- confirm your staff partner before submitting your project proposal.
Projects under the program need to:
- be student led, by any student who is enrolled at UTS for the project period (no subcontracting)
- align to an areas of academic engagement and partnership outlined above
- be new work and not funded from any other source
- not contribute to assessment or credit within a subject or course
- include a partnership with an approved UTS staff member.
What you're signing up for
If your project proposal is selected, you must:
- be able to run your project between June 2025 and November 2025
- attend an initial project kick-off workshop so you can hit the ground running with the support you need
- produce key milestone deliverables throughout the project, such as a progress report, final report and final presentation (see key dates below)
- hand in deliverables on time and complete the project by 24 November 2025
- set the hours worked between you and your staff partner, but you can expect to spend about 100 hours in total for a small grant project ($5,000) or 200 hours across the group for a large grant project ($10,000).
As a staff partner, you need to ensure:
- the hours worked are set between you and your student partner/s, but you can expect to meet at least once a month to work on the project.
- you take responsibility for promoting and/or implementing the outcomes of the project beyond the project close (e.g. apply the learnings in your subject and present your learnings with the student partner in relevant forums).
Key dates
- Applications open Monday, 3 March 2025
- Applications close 9am Monday, 28 April 2025
- Successful applicants notified Monday, 19 May 2025
- Kick-off workshop with all project teams Wednesday, 11 June 2025
- Students as Partners Showcase Event Wednesday, 26 November 2025
More info
Get in touch with the team or see our frequently asked questions for more information on the Students as Partners Project Grants.