
The Library has updated the way you book a study space across campus, making it easier to book a space for group or individual study whether you're booking ahead of time or on-the-spot.
UTS is continuing to address today’s security challenges by strengthening identity verification processes across the university. 
The office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research (DVCR) has endorsed an increase to the number of Read & Publish agreements (also known as Transformative Agreements) available to UTS.  
The Library’s catalogue has received several new features to make your searching and access to scholarly resources that much easier.  
Get your referencing under control, save your time and avoid losing marks with these practical referencing tips from the Library. 
We’re here to help you get the best start you can! 
To assist you in advising your students about the ethical use, referencing and acknowledgement of generative AI (GenAI) in their assignments, the Library has created a Generative A
Due to the data migration of UTS Library systems vendor, shareable links that have been created in Reading Lists may need to be updated across a
Last updated 30, May, 2022.

To make accessing Library systems easier, UTS Library will be connected to the Okta verification single sign-on process from Monday 11 April 2022.
We've just added eight Online Learning Rooms to our bookable spaces that are specially designed for you to join your online class while on campus.